January 9, 2010

Three cousins combing their locks. Landon had a fever all night and woke up Sunday morning feeling pretty rough.  Grandpapa stayed home from church with him and Benjamin while the rest of us went to Mt. Pleasant.  Chad McMurray had the message from I John 4 on "God's Love".   Home then to a feast of Dilly rolls, tenderloin, rice pilaf, green beans, spinach salad, cranberry salad, ambrosia and caramel custard.  Wow!  I got packed up and left for SC around 2:00 with the rest of my family staying up.  I had a nice trip back and got to Govan around 8:30.  Ina Sue and the children had a restful afternoon at the Showalters, playing Blitz and goofing off.  It's cold in both SC and VA.
A game of Dutch Blitz with the children I went in to work at the normal time on Monday and had a very busy day.  Hendrick is off teaching at Heritage Bible School so that leaves me in charge of both carry-in service and on-site.  I worked until about 8:30 then came home and went to bed in good time.  Ina Sue helped Mother do the laundry then she went with Aunt Marsha to Costco & Sharp Shopper to stock up on some of our staples.  They had chicken enchiladas for supper.  We talked for a while on the phone in the evening.
Playing toys. Ina Sue said it was really cold in Virginia on Tuesday.  After Savannah went down for her morning nap she took the two oldest with her to visit her old friend Sonya Knicely.  In the afternoon she and the children headed north to Maryland to spend the next days with her sister Jeanne.  They got there at 5:00 and had supper of broccoli soup then Keith took the older children with him to prayer meeting while the ladies stayed home with the little children.  I had a very hectic day at work.  It seems like everybody is bringing their computers in to get them worked on after the holidays.  I have about 15 computer waiting for my attention....
Two young ladies at tea. Ina Sue and Jeanne had their hands full on Wednesday with seven children to watch.  They were able to get in some scrapbooking though and finished up about 9 pages.  Ina Sue is working on Savannah's baby book.  They had Chinese take-out for supper then they hooked Keith to babysit the children while they went out to Panera Bread for a get-together with friends Lori and Sonia.   While they were partying I was having a tremendous headache trying to hold things together in the shop.  It looks like Hendrick picked the busiest week of the year to be gone....  I got home at 10:00.
And the older ladies at tea... Savannah seems to be getting over her ear-ache and slept better.  She woke up Thursday morning in a much better mood.  The ladies in Maryland got in another good day of scrapbooking with 6 more pages done.  They did take time out to go down and look at Keith and Jeanne's new house that they are building...  or should that be mansion???  Ina Sue said it looked very nice and spacious.  It will be very nice for them to have a home that is built to help accommodate Benjamin and his special needs.   She packed up the children and drove back to Virginia in the evening.    I spent another long day at work.  I started my first call at 6:30 and didn't get home until after 11:00.  Had carry-out egg-foo-yung from China Express for a late supper.
Keith & Jeanne's new home. It was still really cold on Friday.  Grandpapa took Carolina Sue and Landon with him to Roberts for part of the day.  Ina Sue left Savannah with Grandmother and went to Rocky Cedars for some shopping then over to her friend Dawn Knicely's for  delicious lunch along with old time friend Mary Ella Knicely.  For supper everybody went to Robert and Lori's for a spread.  Chicken tenders, mashed potatoes, green beans, cheese, pretzels, angel food cake and fruit.  Children were exhausted after playing hard all day.  I headed up the pike after work.
Adam & Landon saw up boards. I left for a PRMC meeting at the Pike by 7:30 Saturday.  Ina Sue spent the morning bathing and dressing the children.  The extended Warren Showalter Christmas get-together was held at Hickory Hollow School.  The meeting went well and I was able to attend the get-together before they ate.   We headed out for SC around 3:00.  Royal Barnhart rode along with us to Columbia.  Ate at McDonald's so children could play on playground.  Home around 10:30.  So good to be home and have our family together again.