March 8, 2008

Charlie & Rosa Martin & two sons. I got up and made a Polish breakfast casserole for our guests Sunday morning.  They all went along with us to church in the morning.  Wendell H. preached Sunday morning on the subject of "Satan".  Ina Sue taught the first Sunday of her quarter teaching the women's Sunday school class this morning.  Charlies left for Virginia directly from church so we didn't get to host them for dinner.  We were very glad though that they took the time to stop in for a while.  We came home and had cheeseburger soup, biscuits and coleslaw for dinner.  We wanted so badly to get a nice nap but the children did not cooperate.  Since this was the 1'st Sunday of the month, we did not have church.  We enjoyed a restful evening at home with a long walk around the neighborhood..  We stopped and talked at Korwin Schrock's for a while then came home for pie and bed.
Beautiful Daphne plant that Mom gave me. We got up at 6:00 on Monday and I exercised while Ina Sue got started on the laundry.  It was a lovely day with temperatures as high as 85 degrees in the sun.  Ina Sue even let the children go bare footed for a while.  Carolina told her that her doll baby "just begs to go for a walk". :)  I spent the day at work and came home to a delicious supper of fried ham, sweet potatoes, and zipper peas.  After supper we made up a big cookie sheet of poor man's steak and I grilled it all out on the grill.  After we got the children all bathed and in bed I drove back in to work for a while.  Got home around 1:00am.
Children love playing outside. We all got up early on Tuesday and go everyone fed and clothed by 7:30.  We dropped the children off with Aunt Miriam then Ina Sue and I drove up to Bamberg for her ultrasound.  Dr. Glen said everything looked normal and progressing on schedule.  We are so thankful.  We came home and I picked up my car to drive to work while Ina Sue went on and picked up the children.  Her and Aunt Miriam went together to sewing circle then.  In the afternoon she studied for her Sunday school lesson and made supper.  When I got home a delicious supper was waiting for me.  Fried catfish, lemon-herb rice, corn and apple salad.  Wow, I am indeed blessed!.  After supper we played "Slap" and "Memory" with the children.
Buddies eating monster cookies. Wednesday was Ina Sue's 34'th birthday.  I had to go into work anyway but was able to get off a bit early.  After I left, Ina Sue went over to Andy's new house and picked up nephew Christopher.  Nevin is over helping get the basement walls up and Ina Sue invited Christopher to come along and play with our children.  They had a big old time!  I got my work caught up and came home around 12:30 to be with my wife on her birthday.  Ina Sue took a short nap while the children and I planted two more rows of potatoes. 
Andy Korver's new house is started. I cleaned out the small freezer and moved it from our back porch out onto the deck.  Ina Sue and I then cleaned the floor up good then painted the first layer of Kilz primer on the floor.  After we finished that we had some boughten pizza for supper then went to prayer meeting.  James Bange led discussion on the ordinance of communion.  After we got home we put the children to bed then celebrated the birthday with sparkling grape juice and smoked cashews.
Starting to paint the porch floor On Thursday we got up at daybreak and Ina Sue did a quick haircut on me.  It was kind of chili outside that early.  Then she made bacon & grits and a banana milkshake for our breakfast.  After I left for work she painted the first real paint coat on the back porch floor.  Mary Korver had kept the children while the painting was going on and invited them & Ina Sue to stay for a delicious lunch.  Landon has been very fussy lately.  Ina Sue thinks it is his eye teeth coming in.  I spent the day at work and came home to a supper of garlic chicken pizza.  Another feast!
My lovely wife at 34. I got up at about 5:00 Friday morning and left my wife and children sleeping while I started off for Hartwell.  I met Dad, Duane & Nevin in Augusta and rode the rest of the way with them.  We were going to the 8'th annual men's seminar at Hartwell, GA.  It didn't seem like a very big crowd, but others said that compared to other years this was a very good turnout.  There were about 80 men there at the most.  I really enjoyed the time.  The meetings were held in the smaller chapel were the men's music really filled the room.  Beautiful!  There were two very good speakers.  Terry Myers and Eugene Sommers.  Terry was very passionate and engaging while Eugene was perhaps a bit more deep.  Both speakers challenged me in numerous areas.    The meals were provided there in the dining area and were delicious.  After the evening service they even gave us a late night snack.
Men's Seminar at Hartwell, GA Ina Sue slept in for a while after I left.  It was a rainy day here at home.  She cleaned the house and spent quite a bit of time holding and trying to comfort Landon.  He has a cough and a bit of a fever.  In the afternoon she and the children went on a long walk.  Hendrick very kindly made them supper of chicken stir fry and rice.  In the evening she washed up the floors and did some scrapbooking.  We talked a little on the phone.
Terry Myers was a featured speaker. Landon really had a tough night.  He woke up crying numerous times through the night.  Ina Sue spent most of her day Saturday divided between caring for a sick, grouchy baby and trying to get some cooking done.   I woke up to a bunch of grumpy men who complained about my snoring keeping them awake...  I told them that the whole trick was to be the first to go to sleep.  After a wonderful breakfast we went to the last meeting of the weekend.  After the sermon there was an hour or so of sharing and discussion time then we ate a quick lunch before heading home.  It was about 4:30 before I got back to Govan.  I quickly cleaned things up outside then helped Ina Sue with some of the cooking for tomorrow.  She is supposed to be hostess.  We lose an hour tonight because of Daylight Savings Time....