April 14, 2007

Carolina enjoyed playing with the Yoder childen. Sunday morning was a freezing cold Easter Sunday!  When we got up around 6:00 our thermometer said 28 degrees.  Ina Sue did not feel she should take Landon out in that kind of cold for the Easter Sunrise service so Carolina & I went by ourselves.  Since it was so cold the ones in charge decided to have the service inside the church.  There was a fairly small crowd out this morning so I was glad that we went.  Ruthie Dickerson & Cheryl Bange made the breakfast and it was delicious!  After we ate we drove home and got everybody ready to go back for our regular morning service. 
The Merle Yoder family The service this morning was quite an inspiration.  The Sunday school lesson was on "Christ, the Firstborn of the Dead".  Then instead of a preaching service, a chorus from the Bank & Peake congregations in Harrisonburg, VA presented an Easter program in song.  I thought the the songs were presented very well and the tone of the service was extremely worshipful.  I thought it was one of the best Easter services I have ever attended.  We had a carry-in meal after the service with Delmar Diem providing the pork BarBQ, rice & hash.  A delicious meal and good fellowship.  We were home by soon after 1:30 though and had time for nice naps in the afternoon.  In the evening we had an Easter song service.  The turnout was quite a bit smaller than for the morning service...
Setting up for the youth mystery supper Merle Yoders were in Barnwell over the weekend for a Yoder family get-together.  We have been trying to get them over for a meal for some time and it finally worked out.  They said they could come this evening before they went back to Monticello.  So, Monday was pretty busy with Ina Sue doing the normal washing as well as trying to get supper together.  I had a full day at work but was able to get home around 5:00 to help get things together.  We had biscuits, chicken cordon bleu casserole, BBQ green beans, strawberry spinach salad, and creme puff dessert.  We had a wonderful evening visiting together.  No evening is dull with Merle around!  They left around 11:00 and I washed up the supper dishes while Ina Sue got in a little beauty sleep.
Youth fellows, ready to be mystified... I drove up to Clarendon early Tuesday morning to finish up the job there.  I didn't get back home until about 8:00 in the evening.  Ina Sue finished up the washing and ironing and made us supper of Romanian sarmales.  She also took the children on a long walk up the road while waiting on me to get home.  It is still pretty cold and very windy.
Charles B. & Landon I went in to work early Wednesday morning to get caught back up there.  Ina Sue had a really busy day trying to get all her food ready for the mystery supper in the evening.  She made 60 scones, 5 gallons of tea, salad for 50 & etc other sundries.  I came home around 5:00 and kept the children while Ina Sue went to the school to help Bonnie get everything together.  The mystery supper seemed to go very well but it was quite a job keeping about 40 people served with a 4 course meal.  There were a few humorous orders.  Bro. Charles had to eat his meatballs & sauce, thickened strawberries, and salad with only a toothpick. :)  He was a good sport though.  After the meal the youth played volleyball while we cleaned up and put things away.
Aiden, Richard & Adam ready to greet customers.... I went in to work early again on Thursday to have a manager meeting.  We spent time planning for our Alltel customer appreciation day on Friday.  Unfortunately, it looks like I'm not going to be able to be there for it.  I have a Puerto Rico meeting in NC that I had forgotten about. :(    Landon's first tooth is finally starting to break through so that made for a pretty grouchy day with him.  Ina Sue sewed for a while and made us upside-down pizza for supper.  After supper I cleaned up our gas grill and took it in to the shop to be used in grilling hotdogs tomorrow.  I also worked with Richard to string up signage and balloons on the front of our store.   I also cut up a bunch of onions for the hotdogs and worked on straightening up a bit.  While I was at the shop, Carolina Sue flipped off of her stool and busted her lip pretty badly.  By the time I got home though it had stopped bleeding and she seemed to be doing OK.
while Charles plays hotdog chef. Friday morning I left around 5:45 and drove up to Columbia to meet Royal Barnhart.  We got up to Jonesville, NC around 9:40 and our meeting started at 10:00.  We ate dinner at the Cracker Barrel there and finished up our meeting around 3:00.  I got back to Govan by 6:40.  Ina Sue spent the day cleaning but did take time to run in to the shop to see how the customer appreciation day was going.  It was not as busy as we had hoped but seemed to go fairly well.  We would like to do it again but will probably advertise more heavily next time.  Charles Brubaker & Uncle Howard were both there for part of the day helping out with the food.    In the evening, Ina Sue went to a Melaluca party over at Laura Heatwoles.  Once again, she won the door prize!  She has much more luck then me....
Ina Sue scrubs the mildew off of our yard swing. Saturday was a pretty relaxed day.  Carolina Sue & I worked on washing up all three of our cars while Ina Sue scrubbed off our back yard swing.   The cars and the swing all look much better.  In the afternoon I drove in to Barnwell to help with some of the final cleanup and to pick up the gas grill.  After I got back I worked on cleaning out and vacuuming my work car. (Something I clearly need to do more often)  Ina Sue made us up some chicken salad, cookies and other goodies and we went for a picnic supper over at Myron's pond.  It was a nice evening but just a little windy.  We all enjoyed a walk around the pond after supper then we stopped by Myrons to pick up some baloney he had made for us.  We ended up staying and visiting for quite a while.  Home around 9:30 and I worked on studying to teach the Youth Sunday school tomorrow morning.
Carolina helps me wash the cars.