September 10, 2005

Duane, Janice & Jenna. This was the first Sunday of this quarter so I didn't need to study for the youth class.   I did volunteer to be in charge of the jail services for this quarter though, so I still won't be able to enjoy sitting in class.  Patrick Heatwole went in to the jail with me this morning and we had a good time discussing Acts 2 with the fellows there.  Back at church, Bro. Wendell brought the sermon on "The American Way vs. God's way".  Very thought provoking and challenging to our accepted "American" way of life & thought.  A quick dinner and a short nap then we did a little last minute cooking to get ready for our company.  Duane, Janice & Jenna came over for supper and the evening with us.  We grilled chicken, and had scalloped potatoes, corn, sourdough bread, ice cream and bars.  A great time just visiting and catching up on each other.  Duanes hadn't been here for nearly a year and a half.  They left around 9:30
Working on our cedar arbor. Monday was an absolutely delectable Labor Day!  First of all, the weather was gorgeous, cool with a little breeze but sunny.  Secondly, the store was closed so I was able to spend the whole day at home.  Ina Sue did the normal Monday washing while I started working on our arbor for the back deck entrance.  I got the rough framework done by early afternoon.  Then we went over to Hendricks to pick some of his pears.  His tree is pretty big so I set our 8' step ladder on the back of our pickup and still wasn't able to get any but the lowest branches.  We picked almost a bushel then spent the evening turning them into pear sauce.  We both think it tastes great but Ina Sue think it looks too dark.  I think it looks like pear sauce should.  Carolina Sue doesn't care what it looks like.  She loves it!
Picking pears from Hendrick's tree. Tuesday I was back at work again.  Ina Sue spent quite a bit of time putting a second coat of primer on the bedroom ceiling with a paint brush.   She said it was a very tiring job, especially with a crying baby.  In the afternoon I got an urgent 911 page from her.  When I was able to get hold of her she told me that some of the paint had spilled in the bedroom and that Carolina had somehow stuck her whole face down in it.  (Unfortunately she didn't get a picture)  When she tried to wash it all off some of it got in her eyes and she was pretty worried about that.  It doesn't seem to have done any permanent damage thankfully.  Ina Sue made us a ham, broccoli, egg & cheese quiche for supper.  I went in to the jail for Bible study in the evening.  To bed in good time.
The monkey eats pears & supervises. Ina Sue & Carolina rode with Brenda & Meredith Groff up to Columbia to visit Bethany (Patrick) Heatwole on Wednesday.  They all went to a big baby consignment sale that is going on this week.  Bethany fixed them lunch of pizza and they left around 2:30 to come back home.  I spent the day at work.  In the evening we went to prayer meeting.  Uncle Enos led a discussion/talk on our small (cell) groups.
Ina Sue cooks up the pears for pear sauce. Thursday was September 8.  (Our anniversary)  I had to work anyway. :(  (We plan to mainly celebrate our anniversary a week or two from now when we go to see Bill Bylers)  Ina Sue kept Meredith Groff.  She said it was quite a circus with Carolina Sue teething in her eye teeth and an extra baby.  One would go to sleep then the other would cry and wake the first one up etc...      I got home from work around 6:00 and we put together a picnic lunch to eat at Uncle Enos' mule barn for a little anniversary celebration.  The evening was beautiful and relaxing.  We thought it was a wonderful 4'th anniversary celebration.  (It is hard in one way to imagine that we've actually been married for 4 years and yet in another its hard to think what life was like when we were not together)   As satisfied as I was with single life, I would never choose to go back!  After it got dark, we stopped in at Don Heatwoles for a visit and stayed around for some freshly boiled peanuts.  YUM
Adrien Michael Showalter We got word that Ina Sue's brother Robert and his wife Lori had a baby boy around 1:30 this afternoon. His name is  Adrien Michael Showalter.  (I wish I could say he was named after me but his dad's middle name is also Michael so....)Congratulations Robert & Lori for this newest addition to the Showalter family.
The three muffins all tasting their hands. Not much happened Friday.  I was at work all day with a pretty heavy schedule.  I finally finished up the phone system I've been installing for IRP in Denmark.  Ina Sue started caulking the bedroom ceiling.  Her neck is still pretty sore from that operation.  After I got home in the evening we ate a quick supper then went for a walk around the neighborhood.
Phone system I installed in Denmark. I didn't get quite as much done as I had hoped on Saturday.  We started the day off by going to Bob & Mary Liverman's for their moving sale.  They started at 8:00.  We got there at 8:15 and a fair amount of their larger items were already sold...  We did get some children's dress patterns, several books, and a lawn fertilizer spreader.  When we got home I started work on the arbor again while Ina Sue made breakfast
Our completed arbor. <<SAD UPDATE>>>  My started from scratch super-duper sourdough starter that I was so proud of is no more.  It was executed this morning around 9:30. 

When I make a batch of bread I mix my starter with more flour and water to make a sponge then place it in our slightly heated microwave oven to raise.  When the breakfast chef went to make her cornbread this morning she told the oven to pre-heat to 375 degrees without checking to see if anything was in the oven.  Needless to say,  375 degrees is sufficient to kill any yeastees that were in my sourdough sponge.  Since I hadn't kept back any of the starter that particular strain of yeast is no more for this world.....   I was a little bent out of shape but I really can't blame her.  I just learned that in the future I need to put a sticker on the front of the oven warning that something is in it.

Evening with Mark Hochstetlers. Back to Saturday events.  I was hoping to have the arbor done and grass mowed by soon after dinner.  In actuality, by 5:30 the arbor was just getting finished and the yard had hardly been started.  Oh well, I was happy with the finished arbor at least.  Ina Sue spent her day caulking, cleaning and cooking.  We took supper over to Mark Hochstetler's to belatedly welcome their new baby.  Pizza, corn, homemade ice cream & bars.  A nice time visiting with them then home in good time for bed.

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