September 3, 2005

A rabbit trespassing our yard... Sunday morning Ina Sue got up around 6:00 to get ready while I slumbered in bed for a while (I had finished studying for Sunday school the evening before).  It was nice to have Allen Schrock at Barnwell again to preach to us.  He preached on "Taking Responsibility for our Actions".   Came home and had leftover poor man's steak (from the mystery supper) mashed potatoes and a fresh salad for dinner.   Took a nap in the afternoon until the munchkin decided it was time to get up.  In the evening they had planned to have Elmer Bontrager have a topic but a friend's death kept him away.  Instead we had a song service.
A evening out with Bonnie & Richard. Ina Sue couldn't sleep Monday morning so she got up and started doing the laundry at 4:30 in the morning.  I heard her working and wondered what in the world was up but didn't have the energy to get up and ask.   I went off to work and heard on the radio about all the damage Katrina was doing in Louisiana.  Sad!  Ina Sue took the van up to Byers Tire to get the oil changed and the water hose replaced.  I started feeling a bit sick on my stomach during the afternoon and came home around 5:30.  Laid down for a while then felt good enought to eat supper of grilled catfish and potatoes with broccoli & cheese sauce.  That seemed to help my stomach too.  Maybe I was just hungry...  We had a restful evening here at home.  I got in my new set of Logitech Z2300 computer speakers today.  They sound really good.  I'm pleased.
Attempted a power repair on my laptop... I spent Tuesday rushing from one thing to the next.  In the middle of the day I found time to disassemble my laptop.  I've been having trouble with a loose solder on the power connector.  In order to get to it you pretty much need to take it completely apart.  What a mess...  Ina Sue went over to Augusta with Bonnie Brubaker (she is down from Va. for a visit).  She stopped at the eye place and got her eyes checked out after the LASIC.  They said she was still healing and improving.   She said that Carolina Sue did fairly well except for a tantrum in the clothing store.  When they ignored her she hid under the clothes rack and peeked out with a very disturbed face. :)  Richard B. & I left from work and met them at Chilis in Aiken for supper then we all went and played a round of miniature golf together.  A fun time even with the extreme mugginess.  Richard won the golf....
4 more loaves of bread for the freezer Wednesday morning Ina Sue started our bedroom remodeling project in force; pulling off wallpaper and washing down the ceiling.  She baked bars and made shrimp dip for our get together in the evening.  I had a terribly full day and ended up working until about 7:30.  Ina Sue & Carolina went ahead and went to the school and I met them there for Steve & Lena Kauffman's going away party.  The young marrieds in the church had a finger food carry-in and volleyball game in their honor.  Another enjoyable evening.  We wish them the best during their move and in their new home.  Hopefully the gas shortage doesn't cause them any problems during the move....
William offering expert phone advice... I wanted to take off Thursday but there were way too many calls waiting for me.  It sometimes seems impossible to schedule and get jobs done because of everybodies emergencies that require immediate attention.  I'm not sure what the answer to that is?  Ina Sue went up to Denmark in the morning and filled the van up with gas in case more of the stations run out.  She also worked on pulling off more of the wallpaper in the guest room and scrubbed all the mildew off of our dirty garden hoses.  In the afternoon Liz & Bonnie Brubaker stopped in for a nice visit.  For supper we had chicken/broccoli divan over rice.  It was delicious!  After supper I whipped up another 4 loaves of sourdough bread while Ina Sue continued her remodeling work.  It seems like my bread doesn't last long around around this house....


Planting broccoli, cabbage & collards Carolina Sue turned 15 months old on Friday.  She is walking now but pretty unsteady.  I spent another busy day at work while Ina Sue cleaned the house and did misc. chores.  For supper she fixed us rice & bean soup with cornbread.  After supper Ina Sue volunteered to start mowing while I did the dishes and watched Carolina.  She didn't last very long...  the grass was pretty long and she could hardly push the mower.  I took over and was able to finish up the back yard before dark.  She worked more in the guest room.
Carolina went swimming while I worked. We got all kinds of stuff done on Saturday!  Carolina Sue and I went up to Denmark to get a lawn mower blade and some fall garden plants.  We also went to Sanders Supply in Bamberg for an air compressor fitting and wallpaper stripper.  After we got home I reheated some leftover egg gravy & toast for our breakfast then hurried up and mowed the rest of the yard.  The ladies "helped" me plant the garden: collards & kale from seed and broccoli & cabbage plants.  Carolina Sue was being pretty fussy so we put on her swimsuit and let her play in the sprinkler.  Even that didn't seem to cheer her up.  Ina Sue also worked on covering all the woodwork in the bedroom so the paint wouldn't get on it.
Priming the ceiling on our newest project. In the afternoon I worked on rolling Kilz on the bedroom ceiling.  The old color was a deep wine color so its going to take several coats to cover it.  It was a tiring job getting it into all the cracks in the wainscoting and all above my head.  I got it finished though by around 5:00 then went up to Denmark and refilled the van.  I intended to wash the van in the auto carwash but after finding out it cost 5:00 for a basic wash, I came home and scrubbed it up by hand.  It looks better than it has for quite a while.  Ina Sue spent part of the afternoon fixing food for our company tomorrow evening.  After a grab & growl supper I worked on cleaning out our filing cabinet.  I threw out loads of paperwork saved from years ago.  Carolina Sue enjoyed "helping".
Carolina helps me clean out the files  

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