Unfortunately (or fortunately) I didn't get in on the killing and skinning. Papa, Uncle Nub & Paul Zimmerman had that done by the time we got there.
We carried in a half a hog and immediately starting cutting him up into sausage, canning meat, and fat
Ina Sue had lined up cousin Rebecca Rhodes to babysit Landon and Carolina Sue.
Keith & Jeanne got there soon after we started and Uncle Lee & Aunt Reba also came and helped out most of the day.
The puddin pot is where all the bones with scraps of meat still on them went to be boiled.
There were times to take breaks. (Especially for Keith). Daniel Miller also dropped in to help for a while.
We chopped all the fat into pieces and it went into the lard pot to be rendered down into lard.
This was the pile of sausage meat ready to be seasoned and ground up.
Mother was the seasoning chef for most of the sausage.
Mixing the seasoning into the meat.
Stuffing the sausage into cloth bags to be smoked.
Uncle Lee and Robert dipping the bones and meat out of the puddin pot.
Going through the puddin meat to remove the bones and cartilage.
After the puddin meat was ground it was browned in this kettle. Mother is stirring it to keep it from scorching.
Straining the broth off of the puddin pot. The broth was then put back into the pot and mixed with flour, corn meal & some puddins to make ponhaus.
The ponhaus is put into bread pans and chilled. To serve it you slice it thin and fry it. You can either eat it with fried eggs or by itself. YUM!
Scraping and washing out the big kettle.
Paul Zimmerman provided the facilities and helped with the heavy work.
We used cousin Charlie Martin's smokehouse to smoke the sausage and ribs.
This is only about a fourth of the sausage we hung in the smokehouse.
Mother, Robert & myself went back over to the smokehouse around 10:00pm to pack up the smoked sausage, ribs & puddins.